How to Get Information About a View in SQL Server

Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn various ways to get the information of a view in a SQL Server Database.

Getting the view information using the sql.sql_module catalog

To get the information of a view, you use the system catalog sys.sql_module and the OBJECT_ID() function:

    = object_id(
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

In this query, you pass the name of the view to the OBJECT_ID() function in the WHERE clause. The OBJECT_ID() function returns an identification number of a schema-scoped database object.

Here is the output:

SQL Server Getting View Definition

Note that you need to output the result to the text format in order to see the SELECT statement clearly as the above picture.

To show the results as text, from the query editor, you press Ctrl-T keyboard shortcut or click the Results to Text button as shown in the following screenshot:

SQL Server Getting view definition - show results to text

Getting view information using the sp_helptext stored procedure

The sp_helptext stored procedure returns the definition of a user-defined object such as a view.

To get a view’s information, you pass the view name to the sp_helptext stored procedure. For example, the following statement returns the information of the sales.product_catalog view:

EXEC sp_helptext 'sales.product_catalog' ;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following picture shows the output:

SQL Server Getting view definition using sp_helptext stored procedure

Getting the view information using OBJECT_DEFINITION() function

Another way to get the view information is to use the OBJECT_DEFINITION() and OBJECT_ID() functions as follows:

    ) view_info;
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)

The following picture shows the output:

SQL Server Getting view information using object_definition stored procedure

In this tutorial, you have learned how to various ways to get the information about a view in SQL Server Database.

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