This page lists the most commonly used SQL Server Date functions that allow you to handle date and time data effectively.

Returning the current date and time
Function | Description |
CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | Returns the current system date and time without the time zone part. |
GETUTCDATE | Returns a date part of a date as an integer number. |
GETDATE | Returns the current system date and time of the operating system on which the SQL Server is running. |
SYSDATETIME | Returns the current system date and time with more fractional seconds precision than the GETDATE() function. |
SYSUTCDATETIME | Returns the current system date and time in UTC time |
SYSDATETIMEOFFSET | Returns the current system date and time with the time zone. |
Returning the date and time Parts
Function | Description |
DATENAME | Returns a date part of a date as a character string |
DATEPART | Returns a date part of a date as an integer number |
DAY | Returns the day of a specified date as an integer |
MONTH | Returns the month of a specified date as an integer |
YEAR | Returns the year of the date as an integer. |
Returning a difference between two dates
Function | Return value |
DATEDIFF | Returns a difference in date part between two dates. |
Modifying dates
Constructing date and time from their parts
Validating date and time values
Function | Description |
ISDATE | Check if a value is a valid date, time, or datetime value |