SQL Server Date Functions

This page lists the most commonly used SQL Server Date functions that allow you to handle date and time data effectively.

SQL Server Date Functions

Returning the current date and time

CURRENT_TIMESTAMPReturns the current system date and time without the time zone part.
GETUTCDATEReturns a date part of a date as an integer number.
GETDATEReturns the current system date and time of the operating system on which the SQL Server is running.
SYSDATETIMEReturns the current system date and time with more fractional seconds precision than the GETDATE() function.
SYSUTCDATETIMEReturns the current system date and time in UTC time
SYSDATETIMEOFFSETReturns the current system date and time with the time zone.

Returning the date and time Parts

DATENAMEReturns a date part of a date as a character string
DATEPARTReturns a date part of a date as an integer number
DAYReturns the day of a specified date as an integer
MONTHReturns the month of a specified date as an integer
YEARReturns the year of the date as an integer.

Returning a difference between two dates

FunctionReturn value
DATEDIFFReturns a difference in date part between two dates.

Modifying dates

DATEADDAdds a value to a date part of a date and return the new date value.
EOMONTHReturns the last day of the month containing the specified date, with an optional offset.
SWITCHOFFSETChanges the time zone offset of a DATETIMEOFFSET value and preserves the UTC value.

Constructing date and time from their parts

DATEFROMPARTSReturn a DATE value from the year, month, and day.
DATETIME2FROMPARTSReturns a DATETIME2 value from the date and time arguments
DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTSReturns a DATETIMEOFFSET value from the date and time arguments
TIMEFROMPARTSReturns a TIME value from the time parts with the precisions

Validating date and time values

ISDATECheck if a value is a valid date, time, or datetime value