Java SQL Server

This tutorial series shows you how to use JDBC API to work with the SQL Server from Java.

To interact with the SQL Server using Java, you’ll need to use JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API. Microsoft offers JDBC Drivers for connecting Java applications to SQL Server.

Microsoft JDBC Drivers for SQL Server

The Microsoft JDBC Drivers for SQL Server include various features that enhance connectivity and functionality when accessing SQL Server databases from Java applications.

Section 1. Getting Started

Section 2. Inserting Data

  • Insert data into a table – show you how to insert a new row into a table in SQL Server from Java using JDBC API.
  • Batch processing – discover how to quickly load data into an SQL Server table using batch processing technique.

Section 3. Querying Data

  • Select data from a table – Guide you on how to select one or more rows from a table in Java
  • Pagination – Show you how to break up a large result set into smaller ones (pages) using the SELECT statement with the FETCH and OFFSET clauses.
  • Query data using the LIKE operator – Learn how to query data using the LIKE operator in SQL Server from a Java program using JDBC API.

Section 4. Updating Data

Section 5. Deleting Data

Section 6. Handling Transactions

Section 7. Calling Stored Procedures

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